Pure Pursuit Controller


Pure Pursuit Controller

The Pure Pursuit Controller is a widely-used path-tracking algorithm in robotics and autonomous vehicle navigation. Its primary objective is to guide a vehicle or robot along a predefined path while ensuring precise path-following.

Principle of Operation

The operation of the Pure Pursuit Controller is based on a straightforward concept:

  1. Path Definition: The controller works with a defined path, often represented as a series of waypoints or a continuous curve, each associated with specific coordinates (x, y) and curvature information.
  2. Target Point Selection: The controller continuously selects a target point ahead of the vehicle. This target point is typically chosen as the point on the path that is a certain fixed distance (known as the "lookahead distance") in front of the vehicle.
  3. Steering Command Calculation: To navigate toward the target point, the controller calculates the steering command, often represented as the desired steering angle or curvature, required to reach the target point. Commonly, this involves computing the angle between the vehicle's current heading and the vector pointing from the current position to the target point.
  4. Vehicle Control: The calculated steering command is used to control the vehicle's steering mechanism (e.g., steering wheel or wheel angles) to guide it toward the target point.
  5. Iterative Process: The process is iterative, with the controller continuously selecting new target points ahead as the vehicle advances along the path and adjusting its steering to reach them.


The Pure Pursuit Controller offers several advantages:

  • Simplicity: It is conceptually simple and easy to implement, making it suitable for a wide range of robotic and vehicle navigation applications.
  • Path Tracking: The controller excels at accurate path tracking, even in complex environments with curves and turns.
  • Real-Time Operation: It can operate in real-time, making it well-suited for dynamic environments where quick decision-making is crucial.
  • Adaptability: The controller can adapt to changes in the path, such as deviations caused by obstacles or unexpected conditions, by continuously updating the target point.
  • Low Computational Overhead: Compared to some other control algorithms, the Pure Pursuit Controller often has low computational requirements, which is advantageous for resource-constrained systems.


Despite its advantages, the Pure Pursuit Controller has some limitations:

  • Lookahead Distance Sensitivity: Its performance can be sensitive to the choice of the lookahead distance, which requires careful tuning for optimal path tracking.
  • Non-Holonomic Assumption: The controller assumes that the vehicle is non-holonomic, meaning it cannot move sideways. This assumption may not hold for certain types of vehicles, such as omnidirectional robots.

In summary, the Pure Pursuit Controller is a straightforward yet effective algorithm for path tracking and navigation. Its ability to calculate a steering command based on a selected target point ahead of the vehicle makes it a valuable tool for applications ranging from autonomous cars to mobile robots.

console.log("Hello world")

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